You are a very routine baby. I learned very early in your life that you need a routine. You don't do well with sleeping all over the place and you don't do well with inconsistency. So, as much as I tried to make you an "on the go" baby, it just wasn't hap-nin! So, when I embraced a schedule I found that it made everyone's life so much easier. You are happy all the time (unless you are overtired-which I do my best to avoid) and we both know what to expect from our day. You eat at the same time everyday, and you sleep at the same times everyday with little deviation. As a matter of fact, you have been sleeping 12 hours a night since you were about 8 weeks old! It works for us, and I love it. You are early to bed and early to rise! 6:30 pm to 6:30 am like clockwork. :) I love it! Did I say I love it? Honestly, though, the schedule is the best thing I did for you, and I'm writing that here so I don't forget how awesome it is for your future brothers or sisters that I hope you have someday.
Tonight after our bedtime routine of what we have lovingly come to call the "Triple B's" (bath, bottle, bed) you were still awake. This is a rarity. You are usually either sound asleep or so sleepy that you are fussy and ready to be put down in your crib. Tonight however, when I took the bottle out of your mouth you were still staring up at me with wide eyes. So I just started talking to you softy and kept you close. I said, "Hello sweet boy." and you smiled so BIG! I kept talking to you, saying "Mommy loves you. Mommy will always love you no matter what. Nobody loves you like Mommy loves you" and you would just smile and laugh! It was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. I could have held you there all night long talking to you that way.
You have brought joy to my life that I have never known. Your Daddy and I are so richly blessed by you. When your dad and I met and got married, we weren't sure if children would be in our future. We were enjoying married life and didn't know if kids were for us. However, we prayed that if children were in our future that God show us and give us that desire. Well, I can so happily say that I am glad He placed the desire for babies on our heart. You are truly the reward that the bible promised you would be!
I love you so much, my sweet angel boy. I will always love you. I hope you carry that with you forever. Nobody loves you like I do.
Oh, and here's what you like this week- Your 19th week of life!