Thursday, June 9, 2011

My First Letter To You- June 9, 2011

My Sweet Baby Boy,

I wish I had decided to do this sooner. This is not an original idea. As a matter of fact, I got the idea from a commercial where a dad writes emails to his daughter in hopes of sharing them with her one day. I, too, hope to share these with you one day.

You are growing so fast. Everyday you are becoming more alert (sometimes a little too alert- you are a sleep fighter through and through!) and aware of the world around you. Your sweet gummy grin melts my heart and sometimes brings a tear to my eye. To me, you are simply the most magnificent creature I have ever seen. You are so wonderfully without flaw. You have my nose (sorry about that) and daddies feet. You love to have your head rubbed and you absolutely despise riding in the car. You have gorgeous red hair and creamy white skin. You have the cutest pouty lip when you are about to cry and I have to admit, it makes me laugh. It's absolutely adorable, even though you are not amused one bit! You love your swing most of the time, but I have learned that you like to move around a lot. You are like your dad so much in that way. You are already sleeping through the night- that makes me so very happy! Mommy is a beast when she doesn't sleep well. ;)

I want you to know a few things about me, too. I prayed for you even before you were in my tummy. I prayed for you every night while I was pregnant with you. I prayed that you would be strong and be bold. I prayed that you would love Jesus. I prayed that you follow your heart to wherever it led you, even if that made me sad. I prayed that you would always know that no matter what happens in this life, you would know without a shadow of a doubt that there is someone in this world who loves you completely just the way you are. I still pray these things for you. Oh, I also prayed that you would have red hair. Prayer answered!

I want you to know that you come from 2 people who not only love you, but who love each other very much. I want you to know that your daddy is the best man I have ever met and will ever meet until I am face to face with Jesus. I want you to know that I could not have picked a better man to be the father of my children and you are very lucky to have such a loving and caring daddy. Who, by the way, we lovingly refer to as poppa. ;)

I do love you. You are a blessing from Jesus. An answered prayer. Something beautiful in world that can be very ugly. I just wanted you to know...

Nobody loves you like I do.

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. I looooooooooove this! I write letters to Randy every year on his birthday. I don't know when I will give them to him 18, or maybe when he is married and having children and will appreciate them most! This is an awesome idea as well! When they are our age, they will treasure them!!!
