It's been a while since I've had the time to sit down and write, so this is going to be full of fun stuff! We went to Shreveport, LA for your first official Patrick Family Reunion. Last year at the Family Reunion, we announced that we were pregnant with you! Here are a few pictures of your first reunion:
From Left to Right, Your Great Aunt Donna, 3rd Cousin Lisa, YOU, Great Great Grandma Jearldine Patrick.
Your Great Grandpa, Pop Mack. I love this picture.
You and Daddy!
Your Aunt Amy covered you in Bella's diapers. Who, by the way, will be here very soon!
We moved from your first house on September 8, 2011. You were just 3 days shy of being 5 months old. This was an emotional time for me. Packing up your nursery was difficult and nostalgic. I remembered when we got up EXTREMELY early the day after Thanksgiving 2010 to get your furniture. I remember when it finally arrived and Daddy and his friends moved it into the room and your Grandpa Stephen and Daddy put the crib together.
Bryan Swanson, Jon Crump and Dad
Grandpa Stephen and Dad putting your crib together
Mom and Dad with the finished product. And you in my tummy!
But, we moved on to bigger and better things that God has in store for our family so we know its the right thing! Sometimes life is happy and sad at the same time.
On September 19th you had your first bite of real food! Pears!
And you loved it!
Your favorite things to eat right now are butternut squash, pumpkin and any fruit, especially peaches and pears. We are working on green beans. :)
You turned 6 months old on October 11. You are 17.5 lbs and 26.5 inches long! You have come a long way, little man and you are growing like a weed. The most precious little weed I've ever seen! We are approaching your very first Halloween. We went to our first neighborhood fall festival and you wore your costume. You were a hot dog, because we just wanna eat you up!
I just wanna squeeze you because you are so darn cute! The most fun time of year is upon us and I can't wait for your first Thanksgiving and Christmas. You are very fun and smiling all the time. I hope that you know in whatever way your little 6 month old brain can comprehend it, that you are loved so much. So much it hurts! My heart aches sometimes with love for your daddy and you. It is a deep love that I've never felt before. You two are the best things that ever happened to me. I love you completely!
Nobody loves you like I do!
Love, Momma
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