Monday, August 1, 2011

Letter 3: Lessons to Learn Early


You will probably come to dislike that I call you bubbies. I just want you to know ahead of time that it's okay with me if you don't like that pet name and it might embarrass you. I'm still going to call you that. Anyway, that's not what this letter is about.

Today you are 16 weeks old! To the rest of the world, that's almost 4 months. In 11 days to be exact. I try to read to you everyday at some point. I don't feel all that bad when I miss a day because you are only 4 months old, after all! At your first doctors appointment when you were 8 days old the doctor told me to read and sing to you because it will make you smart. So, I read and sing to you everyday since then. I sing to you about everything we do. Literally, I have a song for everything. Daddy even sings along, too. ;) My favorite book to read to you is, "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Suess, of course! It was my favorite book growing up and I love to read it to you. You really love the bright pictures and you love to grab at the book and squeal with delight when you finally grab it. While I was reading it to you this morning for the 50th time, an excerpt from the book brought something to mind. Here is the aforementioned excerpt:

"Wherever you fly, you'll be the best of the best.
Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.
Except when you don't.
Because sometimes you won't.
I'm sorry to say so
but, sadly, it's true
that Bang-ups
and Hang-ups
can happen to you."

Things like this are lessons that are best learned early. One day, not far from now, you will come to realize that life is sometimes disappointing. People that you love and trust will disappoint you. Your own Mommy and Daddy will certainly disappoint you. Expecting perfection from people will always yield more disappointment than realizing that perfection is unattainable. Jesus is the only person who will never disappoint, and that is why He is God. Set your standards high and don't settle for less than what you want, but don't lose heart when things don't always turn out to be what you expect. Life is a balancing act. You win AND you lose. And it's okay.

There will come a day when you realize that, as much as I will try to make you believe it, I am not Superwoman. And your dad isn't Superman. I am going to do my best to be a good mother to you. I will do everything in my power to raise you in The Word, to protect your innocence, to make you feel loved, to teach you what matters in life, to guide you, to make you feel wanted and needed. However, I am certain I will probably fail you in each of those areas at least once. I'm going to go ahead and apologize in advance.

It's always easier to learn from someone else mistakes. There is nothing wrong with saying, "No." It's just the opposite of yes. If someone is always encouraging you to do things that get you in trouble then you should consider removing that influence from your life. People like that will always get you in trouble, and your parents discipline isn't the worst that is out there. Trust me.

If you have to lie about it then you shouldn't do it. If you feel ashamed of it, reconsider it. If you are bossy then you will find that you play by yourself A LOT. If you are rude, you will find that you play alone A LOT MORE. When you walk into a room full of people, speak to them. Especially if you know everyone in the room. If you don't, that's the fastest way for people to think that you think they are less than you. Even if you are just shy-get over it.

It's really fun to play games and sports, but its okay when you don't win. Learn to lose gracefully and people will always invite you play along. Become a sore loser, and you can bet that you won't lose much. But you won't play much, either.

Learn to forgive people that disappoint. Life is easier when you don't hold grudges. Learn to forgive yourself when you blow it. Learn to ask for forgiveness from others. Especially from God.

Those are just some things that are on my mind for you today. I love you. Nobody loves you like I do!

Love, Momma

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